Look Away





“What have I done, that made you push me away and abandon me?”

“I did what I needed to do, and I have never bothered you, yet you still judge me.”

“All kind of words that you define me, for me that just happen to be seen by both of your eyes.”

“I’ll never understand you, for you that always judge and tell me what should I be.”

“I can’t, I failed to be what you define me as be.”

“I’ve failed you, all of you, that are able to live as life should be.”

“Thus I’ve decided, to be away from you, away from your judging eyes.”

“I’ll push you away, if you come to me. Like what you did.”

“Look away, don’t look at me.”


This time I want to make an emotional piece, with the visual style from shoujo manga that has a deeper tone in storytelling.

For the artist that I reference, it’s both Fajyobore and Samamiya Akaza (Mangaka, Manga: Mr. Mallow Blue (Mr.マロウブルー))


Hyperlapse will be up later


© Megumumpkin
License: “Look Away” by Megumumpkin - All Rights Reserved